DIY Rose Spa Night

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, which means many of you will be recieving roses! Instead of tossing them in the garbage when they start to wilt, repurpose them with these super easy and affordable DIY spa night recipes! This post features  recipes for Rose Water, a Rose Sugar Body Scrub, and a Rose, Chamomile, Lavendar Bath Tea/Face Steam!  

DIY Rose Water

According to this article on NDTV food by rosewater has 10 amazing benefits: 

"1. Rose water helps maintain the skin's pH balance, and also controls excess oil.

2. "Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin, get rid of acne, dermatitis and eczema. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores", says Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, Skincare Expert.

3. Rose water helps hydrate, revitalise and moisturise the skin giving it with that refreshed look.

4. Due to its antibacterial properties, rose water also aids in healing scars, cuts and wounds.

5. The antioxidant properties of rose water help to strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.

6. Due to the astringent like properties it possesses, rose water helps clean pores and tone the skin. Applying rose water after steaming tightens capillaries, reduces redness and blotchiness.

7. The aroma of roses is said to be a powerful mood enhancer. It rids you of feelings of anxiety and promotes emotional well-being, thereby making you feel more relaxed.

8. The nourishing and moisturising properties of rose water enhance the quality of hair. It is known to treat mild scalp inflammations and get rid of dandruff. Rosewater works wonders as a natural conditioner and revitaliseshair growth.

9. The scent of rose water on your pillow also helps you sleep better after a long day, making you wake up refreshed.

10. It also helps aging skin, keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay."


 For this recipe, you will need roses (duh), ice, distilled water, a small/medium sized pot with a lid, and a container to place the finished rose water in. If you can find one, a glass conatiner with a spray attachment would be best, but I could only find these plastic travel sized ones from Walmart.

Before you begin, thoroughly rinse your roses to ensure that any pesticides, dirt, and bugs are removed. You definitely do not want to be putting any remnants of those on your face!

Now, place a small ceramic/glass bowl upside down on the base of your pot. Then, place a larger bowl on top of that, which will collect your rosewater. arrange a decent amount of rose petals around the bowls, and place your lid upside down on the pot. Turn your stove to low to medium-low, allowing for steam to be created. Do not let the water simmer or boil; just allow it to steam.

Then, put your ice cubes on top of the lid, and let steam for about 40-45 mins. When this time is up, the liquid inside the bowl is your rosewater. Allow it to cool, and then transfer into your container. Store in a cool, dry place for about 1-2 weeks. Keep in fridge and spritz on your face for a SUPER refreshing pick-me-up.

Optional: add rose essential oil to make it smell good, and a few teaspoons of witchhazel to help preserve the rosewater, and to add additional benefits.

DIY Rose Sugar Scrub

This recipe will make your skin feel silky-smooth, while adding the amazing benefits of roses!

 For this you will need a jar, sugar, coconut oil, roses, and almond oil/extract. (optional: rose essential oil for scent purposes)

Melt your coconut oil (if it has solidified), and add to a blender or food processor. Then, add your almond extract/oil,  rose petals, and sugar. Blend together until the petals are pea-sized, and the rest of the scrub is your desired consistency.

NOTE: Measurements are not provided because you literally just have to eyeball it until you are personally satisfied with the sugar-to-oil ratio, depending on how grainy you want the scrub.

DIY Rose Chamomile Lavendar Face Steam

For this recipe you need dried lavendar, dried rose petals, and either chamomile flowers or pure chamomile tea (which is easier to find). To dry out your rose petals, hang the entire rose upside down for a day or two.

Chop or rip your dried rose petals into small pieces, and place in a glass or ceramic container. Then, add your lavendar and chamomile. On the stove, boil about 1 cup of distilled water (or just pop it into the microwave in a mug for a minute and a half if you are feeling a little lazy).  Then, add the boiled water to the floral mixture to create a "tea."

Lean over the bowl/container and place a towel over your head. This will cause steam to build-up, which will open your pores and release the "tea" benefits into your skin.

Optional: use a sachet bag (like the purple one holding the lavendar in the above picture) to hold your dried "tea" mixture, and place inside a hot bath instead of/in addition to the face steam.


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